Mounjaro Stomach Paralysis Lawsuits

Legally Reviewed

This article has been written and reviewed for legal accuracy and clarity by attorney Matthew Dolman and is accurate as possible. Matthew is a licensed attorney with twenty years of legal experience. His practice includes mass tort claims and representing plaintiffs in product liability lawsuits. Dolman Law Group has collected $250,000,000.00 in compensation for injury victims and has represented over 7500 individuals. Matthew presently represents a number of individuals who are plaintiffs in MDL 3094 In Re: Glucagon-like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists (GLP-1 RAS) Products Liability Litigation pending in United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. This content should not be taken as legal advice from attorney.


Lawsuit Legal News does everything possible to make sure the information in this article is up to date and accurate. If you need specific legal advice about your case, contact us. This article should not be taken as advice from an attorney.

Eli Lilly and Company's Mounjaro is a medication used for glycemic control in Type II diabetics. The tirzepatide drug is one of the most potent GLP-1 RA medications on the market, and its ability to help users achieve considerable weight loss has led some physicians to describe it as the successor of Novo Nordisk's Ozempic (semaglutide). 

However, despite Mounjaro's efficacy, the medication can cause various undisclosed side effects, such as gastroparesis, also known as stomach paralysis, which has landed uninformed users in hospitals and surgery rooms nationwide.

Eli Lilly and Company's failure to properly inform prescribing physicians and Mounjaro users of these risks has given rise to manifold product liability lawsuits, which seek to hold the company accountable. Eli Lilly has not issued any recall despite the reported adverse events.

Lawsuit Legal News is tracking the various Mounjaro stomach paralysis lawsuits as they advance in federal courts nationwide and will conduct in-depth analyses of important developments.

Federal Mounjaro lawsuits were finally consolidated into multidistrict litigation on February 3, 2024. As a result, these lawsuits are now combined for discovery and motion hearings before one Judge in one jurisdiction.

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Mounjaro Stomach Paralysis Lawsuits Table Of Contents

Eli Lilly and Company's "Dual Agonist" Medication, Tirzepatide

Tirzepatide (Mounjaro) is a unique member of the GLP-1 RA drug class, which acts as a "dual agonist," mimicking both glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP). These vital hormones are naturally produced in the small intestine, facilitate insulin production, and catalyze the metabolism of sugars. 

Mounjaro (a GLP-1 receptor agonist) is typically prescribed in 5, 10, and 15-milligram dosages, which users inject once a week. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Mounjaro for treating Type II diabetes mellitus because it effectively regulates blood sugar levels. While Mounjaro falls into the classification of diabetes drugs, it is among the GLP-1 agonists that have been utilized off-label as weight-loss medications.

However, like all GLP-1 RAs, tirzepatide has a considerable impact on the functioning of the digestive tract and gastrointestinal system. For instance, in clinical trials, the FDA observed that Mounjaro users sustained, on average, more significant weight reduction than participants prescribed either a placebo or semaglutide. Keep in mind that Mounjaro slows the movement of food from the stomach to the small intestine, which makes the user feel full and satiated longer.

As a result, users throughout the country have sought Mounjaro prescriptions for both chronic weight management and cosmetic weight loss purposes. In an effort to capitalize on the demand, Eli Lilly and Company even developed an alternative tirzepatide medication, Zepbound, for weight loss, which received FDA approval in November 2023. 


Our goal is to provide the most up-to-date information on the Mounjaro lawsuit against Eli Lilly on the Internet. Please bookmark this page, and if you need additional information, you can contact our lead Mounjaro trial attorney for assistance. All Mounjaro lawsuits alleging gastroparesis, intestinal blockage, or ileus have been consolidated in the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania to ensure consistent discovery orders and streamline proceedings. 

Mounjaro Class Action Lawsuit Evolves Into Multidistrict Litigation

What started out as the Mounjaro class action lawsuit evolved into multidistrict litigation (MDL). There are now hundreds of lawsuits against Eli Lilly (maker of Mounjaro) and Novo Nordisk (manufacturer of Ozempic) with consistent allegations of severe gastrointestinal problems caused by using a diabetes medication off-label for weight loss. The LLN team presently represents a number of clients who complain of severe gastroparesis after using these drugs.

September 13, 2024 - More Than 500 New Claims Joined the Mounjaro/Ozempic MDL in August; Defendants Push For Expedited Discovery

By the start of September, the total number of lawsuits brought against the manufacturer of Mounjaro and other related drug manufacturers in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania reached 869. These claims, focusing on personal injury and product liability theories, underscore ongoing concerns related to Mounjaro, suggesting that the drug may still present significant risks to users.

The MDL court has granted the defendants' request for early discovery related to two important issues:

  • Whether diagnostic tests should be required to prove a link between these medications and gastroparesis and
  • Whether the drugs' warning labels were adequate under federal law.

The defendants also asked the court to consider a third issue, known as general causation. Basically, the court must determine whether Mounjaro, Ozempic, and other similar drugs are even capable of causing the side effects alleged by the injured plaintiffs. The court has not ruled on this issue yet. The next court appearance is set for September 23rd, and we'll keep you posted as more information is released.

September 1, 2024 - Increased Number of Cases Filed Against Mounjaro Strengthen with Warning Label Defects

The growing number of legal claims against Mounjaro is gaining momentum, particularly as plaintiffs highlight defects in the drug's warning labels. These cases hinge on whether the manufacturer provided adequate warnings about the potential risks associated with Mounjaro, an issue that is becoming central to the litigation.

In product liability cases, the strength of a claim often depends on the sufficiency of the product’s warning labels. For prescription drugs like Mounjaro, these labels are critical in informing both healthcare providers and patients of possible side effects and complications. However, allegations suggest that Mounjaro's label may have failed to communicate these risks properly, opening the door to significant legal challenges.

The Supreme Court has affirmed that FDA label approval does not shield manufacturers from liability if they fail to provide stronger warnings when new risks become known. The claims against Eli Lilly focus are increasingly focused on whether Mounjaro’s label contained defects—specifically, whether it omitted critical information or downplayed the severity of potential side effects. Plaintiffs argue that had the warnings been clearer or more comprehensive, many injuries could have been avoided.

August 15, 2024 - New Case Management Order Issued in Mounjaro Lawsuit

Judge Karen Marston issued case management order #17 in MDL. CMO #17 allocated a 9% common benefit fee to members of the plaintiff steering committee. Thus, 9% of any gross recovery will be allocated to the common benefit fund to reward the lawyers who have put up capital and are devoting significant time to working up these claims, which all other lawyers will benefit from.

An additional 2% of any gross recovery will go into a fund to cover costs incurred by attorneys on the plaintiff steering committee, including, but not limited to, discovery, expert retention, and scientific studies.

August 13, 2024 - Science Day is Scheduled in Mounjaro Lawsuit MDL

Judge Marston has scheduled a science day for September 4, 2024, for the Mounjaro Lawsuit. Science Day is a preceding event during which both parties provide an objective overview of the science linking exposure to Mounjaro to injuries that include gastroparesis, ileus, and deep vein thrombosis (DVT), among others. 

Science Day is common in mass torts involving complex mechanisms of injury, such as pharmaceutical medications or medical devices. It is intended to bring the applicable Judge up to speed on the relevant science from both sides' perspectives. Legal issues, such as whether Eli Lilly failed to adequately warn patients, will not be discussed. 

August 10, 2024 - New Mounjaro Gastroparesis Lawsuit Filed in MDL

A new Mounjaro lawsuit filed by a New York resident alleges he used Mounjaro from April 2023 through November 2023. The plaintiff was subsequently diagnosed with gastroparesis after being hospitalized for severe gastrointestinal events that resulted in surgical intervention.

The Mounjaro lawsuit further alleges that Eli Lilly knew of the serious risks associated with Mounjaro and failed to provide an adequate warning of such well-known risks. Based on the number of adverse event reports submitted to the FDA, Eli Lilly clearly knew of dangers associated with Mounjaro. According to the lawsuit, Eli Lilly's failure to warn led the plaintiff to sustain very serious and permanent injuries.

August 1, 2024 - New Judge Holds Mounjaro Status Conference - Update

The status conference for the Mounjaro lawsuits set up rules for handling confidential documents. Both sides must keep and regularly update a "privilege log" of documents they aren't sharing because they're protected, like lawyer communications.

The first logs must be shared within 30 days of starting document sharing, with updates every 30 days. The logs should include details like who sent and received each document and why it's being kept private.

Some documents, especially those related to legal strategy after August 2, 2023, don't need to be logged. If there’s a dispute over whether a document should be kept confidential, both sides must try to resolve it together.

If they can't agree, the court will decide. In urgent situations, like upcoming hearings, the process to challenge a document's confidentiality can be sped up to avoid delays. This system aims to keep the case fair and moving smoothly.

Researchers at Harvard University analyzed whether GLP-1 analog semaglutide may be linked to the vision loss disorder nonarteritic anterior ischemic optic neuropathy (NAION). While more research is needed to confirm these findings, the study which was published by JAMA showed that semaglutide users may be up to eight times more likely to develop NAION than other patients taking medications for diabetes and weight loss that do not contain semaglutide.

This serious eye condition is related to a reduction of blood flow to the patient's optic nerve and can result in vision loss. Sadly, since the study only identified a potential association between NAION and semaglutide use, not a causal relationship, experts believe the number of prescriptions and use of these medications will not slow down. The Mounjaro lawsuit team at LLN is keeping a close eye on all research related to these dangerous drugs. Contact us with any questions.

June 15, 2024 - New Judge Appointed After Judge Pratter's Death, MDL Moving Forward With New Court Orders

After Judge Gene Pratter's passing, Judge Karen Spence Marston was assigned to oversee the Moujaro and Ozempic multidistrict litigation (MDL). Judge Marston scheduled her first case management conference for June 10th and entered two orders to help move the litigation forward.

The first order allows out-of-state attorneys to file cases without paying a fee. The second order addresses exchanging privileged documents, which must be logged if not outright disclosed during litigation. Even with the latest delays, the MDL now involves 101 lawsuits filed nationwide.

April 24, 2024 - Defendants Respond to Plaintiffs' Allegations

The manufacturers of Mounjaro and other similar companies officially responded to the allegations, arguing that diabetes causes the same injuries as their medications, which is well-known and has been documented by doctors for years. Therefore, they won't be able to prove that the drug caused the injuries.

The lawsuit hinges on whether Mounjaro, Ozempic, Wegovy, Trulicity, and other similar drugs directly caused the injuries that the plaintiffs have suffered. And that will require proving causation, which the defendants say is difficult because many plaintiffs already have diabetes, a major risk factor for gastroparesis.

However, not all of the people who have these serious injuries have diabetes. They were taking the drug for weight loss and still developed the same injuries.

They also addressed the drugs' labeling. Plaintiffs argue that the labels downplay the dangers of gastroparesis and other side effects. This week, the manufacturers claimed that they follow FDA-approved labeling.

The defendants also claimed that many people experience similar symptoms that seem like gastroparesis without actually having the condition. They also argue that some injuries are too vague to be definitively linked to the drugs.

But that is the point of the trial. Both sides will present evidence to support their claims. The case will hinge on whether the plaintiffs can establish a clear link between the medications and their injuries.

April 1, 2024 - Mounjaro Stomach Paralysis MDL Will be run Efficiently per Judge Pratter

Judge Pratter held the first hearing in the Mounjaro gastroparesis MDL and warned the lawyers on both sides about bickering, discovery delays, and the cancellation of scheduled events. It appears that this will be a fast-moving mass tort and Judge Pratter will not tolerate dilatory tactics. Several Mounjaro lawyers have predicted this could be among the largest mass torts of all time with projections of over 25,000 claimants comprising the consolidated cases within the MDL over the next eighteen months. 

March 14, 2024 - First Hearing in the Mounjaro MDL Being Held Today in Philadelphia

Today marks an important development in the ongoing legal case regarding Mounjaro and its dangerous side effects. The first hearing of the class-action (MDL) lawsuit is taking place today in Philadelphia’s federal court. This lawsuit—which has gained widespread attention, mostly because the popular, similar medication Ozempic is also involved for the same reasons—centers on allegations that Ozempic has led to stomach paralysis in patients who are using the medication both to treat diabetes or off-label for rapid weight loss. This dangerous side effect has been made much worse because of the massive spike in the popularity of drugs like Ozempic, Mounjaro, and Wegovy.

Today's hearing is a pivotal moment in the Mounjaro MDL Lawsuit. It will be an important indicator of the course of the lawsuit, what the arguments and evidence will be, and provide insights into the legal strategies that will be employed by both sides.

March 13, 2024 - First Court Date Scheduled in the Mounjaro Multidistrict Litigation (MDL)

As the new Mounjaro and Ozempic Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) gets underway, counsel for both sides will attend the first status hearing scheduled for March 14, 2024. This should provide more insight into how Judge Pratter will move these cases forward. At this conference, she will assign roles to attorneys and establish a timeline for discovery. She will also determine which cases qualify for inclusion in the lawsuit and decide on the admissibility of evidence.

As further proof that GLP-1 receptor agonist drugs like Mounjaro can lead to serious problems, a recent study published by the BMJ reported weight loss patients have a greater likelihood of experiencing gastrointestinal problems after taking Mounjaro and other similar meds. The study also showed that higher doses lead to a greater chance of issues such as nausea, vomiting, and gastroparesis (stomach paralysis). Mounjaro was identified as the most potent of these drugs.

A second study released by Frontiers Journal draws a frightening association between patients using GLP-1 medications and adverse psychiatric events. Obviously, we still don't know the full extent of possible side effects related to Mounjaro.

February 3, 2024 - Mounjaro Lawsuits Against Eli Lilly Consolidated Into JPML

The Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation has consolidated all lawsuits that have been filed in Federal Courts throughout the United States into one jurisdiction. Mounjaro lawsuits naming Eli Lilly as a defendant, along with lawsuits against the manufacturers of Ozempic and Wegovy (Novo Nordisk), have been consolidated before Judge Gene Pratter in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. There are presently thirteen lawsuits in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. Transfer orders will be issued to move Ozempic and Mounjaro lawsuits filed in other areas of the nation. 

February 1, 2024 - JPML to Determine Fate of Mounjaro Lawsuit Against Eli Lilly

Legal experts are anticipating a decision regarding whether the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation will establish an MDL (Multidistrict Litigation) for the Mounjaro lawsuits. We anticipate an order being issued in the next forty-eight (48) hours. Once we have more information, our readers will be the first to know.

December 22, 2023 - Mounjaro Lawsuit Filed in Louisiana Can Determine Future of Mounjaro Lawsuits

Another serious lawsuit has been filed against pharmaceutical giants Eli Lilly & Co. and Novo Nordisk by a patient from Louisiana. They claim that Mounjaro and Ozempic were responsible for causing them severe side effects, including cyclical vomiting and tooth loss.

The defendants are currently contesting the Louisiana court's jurisdiction, claiming that the lawsuit fails to establish a connection between Louisiana and their companies.

Additionally, they are arguing that the plaintiff's legal team has not shown adequate evidence that relates to Louisiana within the context of the Mounjaro lawsuit.

The plaintiff wants their case consolidated with the potential Ozempic and Mounjaro MDL. The final decision on the MDL will be made on January 25 at the JPML hearing, but it will likely take a week or so to hear the verdict.

December 2, 2023 - Mounjaro Lawyers Petition the JPML to Consolidate Lawsuits Against Eli Lilly

A recent motion has been submitted to the US Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) to consolidate all cases against Mounjaro (as well as Ozempic and Wegovy, and similar pharmaceuticals) into one case, called a multidistrict litigation or MDL. If approved, this motion would force all federal cases into a single jurisdiction and a single judge in one court. This is done to speed up the cases.

A fresh study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has shown a potential increased risk of serious gastrointestinal problems for people using popular weight loss medications like Mounjaro. The study states, "The utilization of GLP-1 agonists for weight loss, compared to bupropion-naltrexone, has been associated with an increased likelihood of experiencing conditions such as pancreatitis, gastroparesis, and bowel obstruction." Over the past year, there have been numerous adverse event reports of gastrointestinal injuries caused by the off-label use of a diabetes drug for weight loss. 

While Eli Lilly has stated that delayed gastric emptying is to be expected, the manufacturer of Mounjaro has yet to acknowledge severe stomach problems and severe gastrointestinal events that have been linked to their prescription medication. 

Our firm presently represents a number of individuals who visited the emergency room for gastroparesis (paralyzed stomach), excessive vomiting, and other severe gastrointestinal issues. While this medication is intended to slow stomach emptying so patients feel full longer, the drug may lead to gastroparesis, wherein the stomach muscles are weakened to the point that food is not moved into the intestines and instead rots in the stomach. 


Eli Lilly and the FDA have disclosed various side effects associated with the long-term use of Mounjaro, which was approved for sale in American markets in 2022. The most common adverse gastrointestinal events which users have reported include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. 

Other common side effects of Mounjaro include:

  • Severe Vomiting/Excessive Vomiting
  • Ileus
  • Pancreatitis
  • Renal Complications
  • Abdominal Pain/Severe Stomach Pain
  • Gastrointestinal Issues 
  • Severe Gastroparesis/Delayed Gastric Emptying
  • Gallbladder Issues

Users who experience the symptoms of any of the preceding complications are advised to seek immediate medical assistance and to speak with their physician to determine whether or not to continue the use of Mounjaro. We have noted the risk of gastroparesis is significant with Mounjaro and other diabetes medications that have been used off-label to treat obesity. Our clients have consistently reported gastrointestinal side effects.

As we have mentioned, tirzepatide (the generic name for Mounjaro) is a medication that helps patients with the treatment of Type 2 diabetes. The drug is a significant advancement in diabetes care for several reasons, mainly because Mounjaro works as a dual agonist for the GLP-1 (glucagon-like peptide-1) receptor and the GIP (glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide) receptor. This dual action is unique compared to previous diabetes medications.

Mounjaro has been shown to lower blood sugar levels significantly, cause weight loss, which can improve insulin sensitivity, and it can also reduce the risk of major cardiovascular events, such as heart attack and stroke.

However, in recent months, patients with diabetes who use Mounjaro have reported developing gastrointestinal issues, one of the more serious of these complaints being gastroparesis (stomach paralysis) after using the tirzepatide medication to help manage their Type II diabetes. Gastroparesis is a debilitating condition that occurs when the stomach muscles fail to deposit the stomach's contents into the first part of the small intestine and when, in general, the smooth muscles in the stomach and intestines slow down altogether. 

This results in various subsequent complications, such as: 

  • Profuse vomiting 
  • Dehydration
  • Diarrhea
  • Bloating
  • Stomach pain 
  • Constipation

People with type II diabetes are already at a heightened risk of developing gastroparesis on account of damage to the vagus nerve. Yet, Eli Lilly's popular antidiabetic does not have a warning label that fully or properly informs users predisposed to the condition.

The flurry of alarming Mounjaro reports parallels previous claims in investigative journalism conducted by CNN, which exposed the unnerving experiences of Ozempic and Wegovy users and forecasted subsequent litigation.

Mounjaro offers a promising option for individuals with Type 2 diabetes, especially those struggling with weight management in addition to glycemic control. Its unique mechanism of action helps lower blood sugar levels, supports weight loss, and may contribute to cardiovascular benefits. However, it does come with the potential risks of these serious conditions, some of which can be life-altering.

Understanding Gastroparesis: A Closer Look

Gastroparesis, often referred to as stomach paralysis, is a medical condition that affects the normal spontaneous movement of the muscles in your stomach (i.e., muscles you do not have to think about to control, like your heart, esophagus or bladder). These strong, smooth muscles normally contract and propel food through your digestive tract. However, in gastroparesis, these contractions are weakened or don't work at all, preventing your stomach from emptying the things you have eaten into your intestines to be processed.

This condition can lead to a range of symptoms and complications, significantly impacting a person's quality of life.

Symptoms of Gastroparesis

As we have briefly covered, the symptoms of gastroparesis can vary from mild to severe, with the most serious being gastroparesis, gallbladder disease, gallstones, ileus, pancreatitis, and kidney complications.

So, how does one know they might have gastroparesis? They look for signs or symptoms, including:

  • Nausea and Vomiting, Especially After Eating: This is when you feel sick to your stomach and may throw up, which can happen soon after meals. It's uncomfortable and can make it hard to keep food down.
  • Feeling Full After Eating Only a Small Amount of Food: This happens when you quickly feel like you've had enough to eat, even if you've only had a few bites of food. It can make it challenging to eat enough vitamins and nutrients that your body needs.
  • A Large Amount of Weight Loss in a Short Period of Time: If you are losing a lot of weight very quickly without trying. It can be a sign that your body isn't getting the energy it needs from the food you are eating.
  • Bloating and Abdominal Pain: Bloating is when your stomach feels swollen after eating, and it can be accompanied by pain. This can make you feel uncomfortable and full, often for a long period of time.
  • Heartburn or Gastroesophageal Reflux: Heartburn is a burning feeling in your chest, often after eating, caused by stomach acid moving up into the throat. It's a common and uncomfortable issue that a lot of people face. It has been said that heartburn from Mounjaro can be very intense.
  • Changes in Blood Sugar Levels: This refers to the amount of sugar in your blood going up and down more than it should. It can make you feel tired, thirsty, or need to urinate more often. This is often a symptom that only affects people with diabetes, but with Mounjaro, it can even affect people without diabetes.
  • Lack of Appetite: If you don't feel hungry or have the desire to eat, it can lead you to not eat enough and potentially lose weight in an unhealthy way.

Diagnosis of Gastroparesis

Diagnosing gastroparesis typically involves a review of your medical history, a physical examination, and specific tests. These tests might include:

  • Gastric emptying study: This is the most common test for gastroparesis. It measures how quickly food leaves your stomach and involves eating a meal containing a small amount of radioactive material, then tracking the rate at which it exits your stomach by viewing the radioactive material with a special machine.
  • Endoscopy: To rule out other conditions, an endoscopy might be performed to look inside your stomach. This involves using a thin scope to down your throat and into your stomach.
  • Ultrasound: This can check for other problems that might be causing symptoms, such as gallbladder disease or pancreatitis. Ultrasounds are like live X-rays and are the same procedure that pregnant women get to view their babies.

Treatment Options for Gastroparesis

Treatment for gastroparesis focuses on managing symptoms and ensuring nutritional needs are met. And in this case, it would probably involve stopping Mounjaro to prevent further complications.

However, you should not stop taking any medication without first speaking to your doctor and having a thorough conversation with them about your situation. This is very important.

Treatment options for stomach paralysis may include:

  • Dietary changes: Eating smaller, more frequent meals and avoiding high-fat and fibrous foods can help manage symptoms.
  • Medications: Medicines that stimulate stomach muscle contractions or help control nausea and vomiting are often prescribed.
  • Feeding tubes: In severe cases, if normal eating isn't possible, a feeding tube may be used to bypass the stomach and deliver nutrients directly to the intestines.
  • Gastric electrical stimulation: A device that sends mild electrical pulses to the stomach muscles to help control nausea and vomiting.
mounjaro gastroparesis treatment option - Lawsuit Legal News - Mounjaro Stomach Paralysis Lawsuit
Treatments for Mounjaro-induced Gastroparesis

Gastroparesis and Mounjaro

For individuals using Mounjaro (tirzepatide) for Type II diabetes or to help with weight loss, it's important to be aware that gastroparesis is a potential side effect.

Mounjaro, like other GLP-1 receptor agonists, including Ozempuc and Wegovy, can slow gastric emptying, which might exacerbate or cause gastroparesis in certain individuals. If you're taking Mounjaro and experience symptoms like prolonged nausea, vomiting, or a feeling of fullness after eating small amounts, it's crucial to consult your healthcare provider.

The ongoing Mounjaro stomach paralysis lawsuits highlight the importance of being fully informed about the potential risks associated with this medication. That is why it is so important that patients and doctors are fully educated on these drugs before they are taken or prescribed.

Patients and healthcare providers must weigh the benefits of Mounjaro against the risk of developing gastroparesis or other gastrointestinal issues. These legal actions also underscore the need for pharmaceutical companies to provide comprehensive warnings about possible side effects, allowing patients to make informed decisions about their treatment options.

Gastroparesis is a challenging and serious condition that can significantly affect your life. Understanding the symptoms, how it's diagnosed, and the treatment options is crucial for anyone suffering from stomach paralysis to know.

GLP-1 RA Medications Known to Cause Gastroparesis and Other Adverse Medical Events

Mounjaro's rapid success in American markets was partially a result of the novelty of its "dual agonist" design and classification. Prior to Mounjaro's introduction, the antidiabetic and weight management industry had already undergone massive transformations in the wake of Novo Nordisk's cohort of GLP-1 RA medications, such as: 

  • Rybelsus 
  • Saxenda
  • Ozempic
  • Wegovy 

The Nordic multinational company's semaglutide drugs soon acquired mythic status, not only for their efficacy in treating Type II diabetes but also their marked weight loss potential. Nevertheless, clinical research and FDA postmarketing review have only recently scrutinized the long-term side effects of GLP-1 RA use and discovered highly alarming rates of gastroparesis. 

For example, an October 2023 report in JAMA found that the prescription of GLP-1 RAs for weight loss resulted in an increased incidence rate of stomach paralysis in comparison to available alternatives. The FDA also recently revised Ozempic's warning label to inform users of the risk of bowel obstruction, an adverse medical event common to most GLP-1 RAs. 

Eli Lilly Failed to Warn Users of Adverse Medical Events

The makers of prescription medications are required to inform users and/or prescribing physicians of the risks associated with a particular product. This duty of care is a critical component of guaranteeing the safety and well-being of the public, and a failure to observe it may constitute an actionable offense, especially if it results in severe injuries. 

Unfortunately, there is no explicit warning or caveat on Mounjaro's side effects label which informs either prescribing physicians or users of the risk of stomach paralysis. Consequently, plaintiffs in the ongoing Mounjaro stomach paralysis lawsuits allege that they were misled about the safety and efficacy of the "dual agonist" drug and would not have taken it had they known of its potential to cause gastroparesis. 

As of date, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration declined to comment on whether GLP-1 medications such as Ozempic and Mounjaro cause gastroparesis. The FDA changed the warning label in September of 2023, to acknowledge the potential for intestinal blockage (Ileus). However, in light of patient safety, we do not believe off label use of Mounjaro (Tirzepatide) for weight loss The warning label also warns users that Mounjaro delays gastric emptying.

Mounjaro Manufacturer Faces Product Liability Lawsuits 

On account of Eli Lilly and Company's failure to place the safety of consumers above its concern for profits, Mounjaro users throughout the country have filed lawsuits in an effort to seek accountability and compensation. The cases are part and parcel of nearly 20 GLP-1 RA-related lawsuits that have been filed in federal courts in recent months. 

Prominent law firms representing current plaintiffs have stated that they are actively investigating upwards of 10,000 claims and have initiated the process to consolidate extant cases for pretrial legal proceedings in Louisiana federal court. 

The popularity of GLP-1 medications utilized as weight loss drugs has skyrocketed in recent years. We believe that while the FDA will monitor for potential adverse events if past incidents are any indication of future issues, Mounjaro should not be used for obesity medicine. Physicians should recommend patients take diabetes medications for their intended purpose. 

First Mounjaro Stomach Paralysis Lawsuit Filed in August 2023 

The first Mounjaro and Ozempic stomach paralysis lawsuit was filed in August 2023 against both Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly and Company. The plaintiff, Jaclyn Bjorklund, claims to have taken Ozempic for slightly more than a year before developing severe gastrointestinal complications reminiscent of stomach paralysis. 

After vomiting so excessively that she lost teeth, Bjorklund discontinued her use of Ozempic and received, upon the recommendation of her physician, a prescription for Mounjaro, in July 2023. However, the new medication, whose gastrointestinal effects are more potent than those of Ozempic, served only to intensify her medical emergency. 

Bjorklund alleges that Novo Nordisk, Ozempic manufacturer, and Eli Lilly and Company failed to adequately warn her of the risks she ran from taking their drugs, which directly caused her injuries. Another Mounjaro lawsuit filed in December 2023 echoed Bjorklund's complaint. 

The plaintiff, Blake, received a Mounjaro prescription and shortly thereafter suffered from routine bouts of projectile vomiting. Blake's condition became so severe as to necessitate hospitalization and required him to take time off from work, jeopardizing his household's financial stability. In order to quell his seemingly permanent stomach paralysis diagnosis, Blake has had to adjust his work schedule, radically alter his diet, and seek alternative medications to treat his Type II diabetes. 

Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly and Co. Attempt to Dismiss Litigation

Both Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly and Company have denied liability, reaffirmed the safety of their drugs, and undertaken to derail the litigation. In the final quarter of 2023, both pharmaceutical companies petitioned the federal court in which Bjorklund's claim had been filed to dismiss her claim on the grounds that she failed to establish specific instances of wrongdoing and sought damages impermissible via the statute under which she filed suit. 

Judge James D. Cain Jr., who currently presides over the lawsuit, largely rejected Novo Nordisk's arguments and reaffirmed Bjorklund's standing at the pleading stage. He has not, however, issued a final decision on Eli Lilly and Company's motion. Nonetheless, given the intentional similarity of the companies' rationale to dismiss the lawsuit, it is likely that the court will rule comparably on the Mounjaro manufacturer's bid. 

On December 1, 2023, the law firm representing both Bjorklund and Blake filed a motion with the United States Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML). The JPML is a federal panel that determines whether or not to consolidate cases for pretrial proceedings. 

The court relies upon various criteria in making a decision, such as commonalities of fact and law, the economy for the resolution of mass torts through the federal court system, and the importance of consistent rulings. If the U.S. JPML concludes that consolidating similar cases would efficiently streamline legal proceedings, eliminate duplicative discovery, and alleviate parties of burdensome costs, it establishes a multidistrict litigation (MDL). 

The JPML has yet to respond to the request to create a Mounjaro MDL, which plaintiffs seek to transfer to the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana, before Judge Cain. A favorable ruling from the JPML would not only consolidate pending lawsuits but would likely result in an eventual enrollment procedure for novel claims. 

Contact an Experienced Mounjaro Stomach Paralysis Lawyer Today 

Our goal is to inform consumers of defective prescription medications of their rights and legal options and assist them with attaining fair compensation for their damages. That is why our talented legal team is on standby to offer Mounjaro users advice and assistance as they determine whether or not to file a claim against Eli Lilly and Company. 

Over the past several years, we have used our 120 combined years of personal injury law experience to pursue accountability and justice from the makers of Ozempic, Tepezza, and Tylenol. In addition, we are comfortable with managing the complex legal landscape of multidistrict litigation, in order to maximize our clients' chance of success. 

In a free consultation, our Mounjaro lawyers can answer any additional questions you may have about your eligibility and the compensation to which you may be entitled. For more information, contact us today. We are reviewing claims against Mounjaro and other GLP-1 drugs such as Ozempic and Wegovy. The number of medical issues and severe side effects associated with GLP-1 medications is alarming.

Mounjaro Gastroparesis Lawsuit FAQs

In the 5 months since Bjorklund filed the first Ozempic and Mounjaro stomach paralysis lawsuit, the groundswell of filings and the potential for thousands of claims have increased exponentially. To dispel any confusion, we have answered common questions that prospective plaintiffs and Mounjaro users have raised over the complex process of seeking compensation and accountability for their injuries. 

What Are The Symptoms of Gastroparesis?

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Severe abdominal pain/stomach pain
  • Change in blood sugar levels

Who Can File a Mounjaro Stomach Paralysis Claim?

If you received a Mounjaro prescription and then developed gastroparesis as a side effect of tirzepatide, you may be eligible to file suit against Eli Lilly and Company. In order to establish standing for a stomach paralysis claim, you should preserve any and all:

  • Medical records and prescription information
  • Consultations with your prescribing physician 
  • Diagnoses of a medical condition 
  • Affiliated billings and costs

Secondly, every individual who seeks to file a claim must satisfy the applicable statutes of limitation, which establish a deadline for eligibility. In defective drug cases, the statutes of limitation commonly apply when the users of prescription medications first develop symptoms of an undisclosed disorder or receive a diagnosis from their healthcare providers. 

How Much Is a Mounjaro Lawsuit Worth? 

Determining case value for Mounjaro lawsuits depends upon a multivariable analysis of compensable economic and noneconomic losses a plaintiff has sustained on account of an injury. Ultimately, every compensation figure is uniquely tailored to the circumstances of the plaintiff who requests it.  

Moreover, the state or federal statutes under which plaintiffs file suit determine the scope and extent of available damages. In Bjorklund's lawsuit, for example, the defendants objected to the request for punitive damages, on the grounds that they were impermissible under the Louisiana Product Liability Act (LPLA). 

Generally speaking, damages in product liability and defective drug litigation include: 

  • Medical costs
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Lost wages and income 
  • Pain and suffering
  • Decreased quality of life
  • Mental anguish 
  • Emotional distress

Should I Seek a Mounjaro Stomach Paralysis Lawyer for My Claim?

We strongly urge prospective plaintiffs to speak with a qualified Mounjaro stomach paralysis lawyer as soon as possible. Given the complexity of legal deadlines, liability questions, and jurisdictional determinations, the expertise of an experienced legal representative can make or break a claim for relief. 

In addition, the assistance of competent legal counsel can alleviate plaintiffs of conducting the arduous tasks of: 

  • Acquiring relevant paperwork 
  • Composing compelling claims
  • Negotiating with recalcitrant defendants

The legal professionals who support Lawsuit Legal News are on the cutting edge of the Mounjaro litigation, along with several other mass tort cases. You can trust us to answer any questions about the problems you are facing due to negligent drug manufacturers and irresponsible corporations. Our mission is to protect innocent consumers who are injured by companies Mounjaro, Ozempic, and others. If a defective drug or product has injured you, reach out for more information today!

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